2013年10月17日 星期四

Practicing My Poor English (8)

It was a shocking day and it was the day a new island was born.
On November 14, 1963, to the south of Iceland, a fishing vessel was working at dawn.
Suddenly the captain, the chief officer and the sailors felt the vessel shaking, just like spinning in a whirlpool.
At the same time, there was a smell of gunpowder.
Then there came a loud noise like thunder from the sky, and billows dashed high on the sea.
Recovering from astonishment, they looked forward.
A volcano could be seen smoking in the distance.
The smoke looked like a big black pillar over 2000 meters in height.
Fiery lava spurted from the volcano.
Some even flew across a long distance of 1500 meters and fell into the sea.
This heart-shaking natural phenomena looked like the sky was burning and the mountains were shaking with thunder.
Although being so far away, people in the capital of Iceland could feel the astonishment.
Scientists, ambulance corps and security forces of Iceland - they all hurried to the sea to get closer to the incident.
At that time, the volcano was still very angry and red in the face.
It opened its big mouth and jetted out horrible flames.
Hot liquid rocks in the flames flew far to the sea.
They fought against the billows fiercely.
The next morning, the rock won the fight finally.
It stood steadily in the sea and stuck out of the water surface.
On the fourth day, the rock sticking out had become 700 meters long and 80 meters high.
It hadn't been completely solid yet.
It seemed that it couldn't withstand the billows.
Five months later, the volcanic eruption was approaching to the end.
The rock still stood erectly over the sea.
The scientists declared that a new island was born.
They named it 塞爾澤.
Five years later, White crucifers grew from the cracks of the cliffs and animals moved about at the beach.
There had been new lives on this new island.

5 則留言:

  1. Volcanic eruption is destructive, but it is construtive at the same time.

    1. 想起六個字:塞翁失馬,焉知非福。

  2. Why not add some illustrations to your blog? I miss your drawings.

    1. 我發現自己江郎才盡,畫不出畫了。

  3. Bau-lieu may try to draw some volcanoes with different color.
