2013年10月24日 星期四

Practicing My Poor English (9)

A boy rode on a bamboo hobbyhorse.
He ran around at speed.
'Why are you riding the horse?' his elder sister asked.
'I want to be a general,' the boy replied.
'Where are you going to?' his younger sister asked.
'Enter the city gate,' the boy replied.

Yesterday morning we went to the airport to bid farewell to my elder brother.
He was going to study abroad.
In the departure lounge, mother held his hand and said, 'It's the first time you go abroad. You should be careful and take good care of yourself.'
'I hope you'll graduate and return soon.' my elder sister said.
'I'll miss you,' I said.
After the aeroplane took off, we stayed for a while and then went home.

A cicada was singing out continuously.
A mantis heard the voice.
He wanted to catch the cicada.
'The cicada is so small,'the mantis thought. 'It'll be easy to catch him. I'll have a great lunch.'
While the mantis was hunting the cicada, he didn't know that there was a siskin behind him.
The siskin caught the mantis with ease.

17 則留言:

  1. While the siskin was feasting on the mantis, the boy on the bamboo hobbyhorse rode in and accidentally crushed the siskin to death. Bak-lieu was very upset because he was all prepared to catch the sistin.

    1. When bak-lieu was very upset,a wandering goose is nearby bak-lieu's temple,bak-lieu was so happy to see the goose ……
      In the evening,小愚 was invited to enjoy a big roasted-goose with bak-lieu。

    2. Peter:Then I robbed the boy of his hobbyhorse.
      小愚:What's the goose's name? Peter?

    3. 中文名叫「丘比特」。

    4. A hungry wolf happened to pass by Bak-lieu's house. Allured by the flavor of the roasted goose, the wolf broke down the door, swooped in on the two vicious goose-killers and with one gulp, buried both in its stomach.

    5. 「丘比特」is still leisurely dwelling at Bak-lieu's temple。
      The roasted-goose was brought from a market。
      The wolf was trapped before going into the temple。

    6. Touched by the preach of Bak-lieu, the wolf has become a vegetarian and the roasted-goose has returned to life.

  2. 百了,下次譯「鷸蚌相爭,漁人得利」的故事。

    1. 「愚」人得利更適合你啊,雖然你是大智若愚。

    2. 我是大痴若愚。希望承你貴言,我這個愚人(傻人) 得利 (有傻福)!

    3. Don't forget me when you're rich.

    4. I will finance you to build a dream temple for sure。

    5. It is the best sentence I have ever heard.

  3. The siskin shared the mantis with Bak-lieu. Is it delicious?

    1. The mantis said, "I was converted to vegetarian by 百了 at the moment the siskin caught me."

    2. Then the mantis would have gone to heaven.
